'Hvala vam što slavite moj celulit'

04.01.2017 u 10:38


Zvijezda serije 'Djevojke' Lena Dunham osvanula je na naslovnici časopisa Glamour u potpuno prirodnom izdanju bez obrade u Photoshopu

Glumica Lena Dunham godinama slovi kao gorljiva protivnica kritiziranja tuđeg izgleda. Ono što godinama propovijeda sada je odlučila prakticirati na naslovnici Glamoura u društvu kolegica iz serije 'Djevojke'. Naslovna fotografija nije retuširana i pokazuje svu prirodnost glumica.

'Ovo tijelo danas se nalazi na naslovnici časopisa koji čita 10 milijuna žena. Vidjet će moja nesavršena bedra u realnom izdanju', napisala je Lena na Instagramu uz podijeljenu fotografiju naslovnice časopisa.

U drugoj fotografiji na Instagramu dotaknula se svoje povijesti i toga na koji je način njezin izgled tretiran u tinejdžerskim godinama i kako se napokon pomirila s izgledom svog tijela. 'Kada sam počinjala graditi karijeru, mnogi ljudi su slavili moj izgled govoreći 'Nije li hrabra? Nije li ovo odvažan potez pokazati ovakvo tijelo na televiziji?'

Ova 30-godišnja glumica, scenaristica i redateljica iskoristila je priliku kako bi svim neistomišljenicima poslala poruku. 'U novoj godini mrzitelji bi trebali biti znatno pametniji i kreativniji u svojim uvredama zato što se nitko više ne se boji okrutnih blogera i zlobnih osoba s pristupom internetu.'

Inspirativnu objavu završila je zahvalom Glamouru i činjenici da je dopustio pokazivanje njezina celulita na naslovnici.

Okay, here goes: throughout my teens I was told, in no uncertain terms, that I was fucking funny looking. Potbelly, rabbit teeth, knock knees- I could never seem to get it right and it haunted my every move. I posed as the sassy confident one, secretly horrified and hurt by careless comments and hostility. Let's get something straight: I didn't hate what I looked like- I hated the culture that was telling me to hate it. When my career started, some people celebrated my look but always through the lens of "isn't she brave? Isn't it such a bold move to show THAT body on TV?" Then there were the legions of trolls who made high school teasing look like a damned joke with the violent threats they heaped on, the sickening insults that made me ache for teen girls like me who might be reading my comments. Well, today this body is on the cover of a magazine that millions of women will read, without photoshop, my thigh on full imperfect display. Whether you agree with my politics, like my show or connect to what I do, it doesn't matter- my body isn't fair game. No one's is, no matter their size, color, gender identity, and there's a place for us all in popular culture to be recognized as beautiful. Haters are gonna have to get more intellectual and creative with their disses in 2017 because none of us are going to be scared into muumuus by faceless basement dwellers, or cruel blogs, or even our partners and friends. Thank you to the women in Hollywood (and on Instagram!) leading the way, inspiring and normalizing the female form in EVERY form, and thank you to @glamourmag for letting my cellulite do the damn thing on news stands everywhere today ❤️ Love you all.

Fotografiju objavljuje Lena Dunham (@lenadunham)