Prisilan odmor od frizera: Poznate ljepotice odlučile potpuno ignorirati sijede vlasi

01.04.2020 u 13:38


U mnogočemu je globalna pandemija novim virusom promijenila našu svakodnevicu, a i poznate ljepotice su se povukle u svoje domove poštujući mjeru socijalnog distanciranja i izolacije te prisilno odmorile kosu od bojanja

Kako su frizerski i beauty saloni trenutačno zatvoreni, čak su i poznate trendseterice ostale bez svojih svakodnevnih tretmana uljepšavanja.

Pripadnicama ljepšega spola dobro je poznata i iscrpljujuća bitka sa sijedim izrastom, a tijekom trajanja izolacije mnoge će se možda odlučiti i za predah od redovitog tretiranja bojom.

Iako su se neke slavne dame poput pjevačice Pink, zvijezda 'Kućanica' Teri Hatcher i glumice Elle Fannning odlučile pak uzeti škare i kistove za boju u svoje ruku, druge su pak odlučile potpuno ignorirati sijede vlasi i tako odmoriti vlasište od kemikalija.

Među prvima se svojim srebrom u kosi pohvalila američka glumica Tamera Mowry-Housley koja je svoju fotografiju koja jasno pokazuje sijede hrabro postavila na Instagram.

Sarah Silverman
  • Sarah Silverman
  • Sarah Silverman
  • Sarah Silverman
  • Sarah Silverman
  • Sarah Silverman
Sarah Silverman Izvor: Profimedia / Autor: Image Press Agency/ / Pacific coast news / Profimedia

'Pozdrav sijedima! Ne farbam kosu tijekom izolacije - i sasvim sam OK s tim', poručila je Tamera, a pridružila joj se i sestra blizanka Tia koja je također odustala od bitke s mrskim izrastom.

Tia je također na društvenim mrežama pokazala kako izgleda u 'kućnom' izdanju bez šminke i sa sijedima koje su već pomalo vidljive.

Svojih se srebrnih vlasi ne srame ni proslavljena komičarka Sarah Silverman, glumac i komičar Kevin Hart, kao ni poznato TV lice Kelly Ripa.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

After my #goinggreygracefully video, posted here yesterday, I wanted to share a bit more about being #agepositive and how that looks & feels to me. . To be honest with you, although I describe myself as '55 years young' in my IG profile, I hardly ever think of myself in terms of being 'x' years 'old' , 'young' or (perhaps more poetically); 'on the planet'😂 ... and I encourage you to drop your 'age tag' too! In reality, most days I have more energy than my children! (Some days not). Your age really shouldn't define you, nor your zest for life, once you become an adult. . So instead, why not try to embrace the changes that come with each passing decade; physical, emotional and mental too? Sure there are challenges - plenty some days - but why focus on those? . You can just as readily make the decision to be a healthy, sexy, vibrant, fun loving, dynamic, youthful, optimistic (* insert your own positive adjectives) 40, 50 or 60 plus woman, as you can to be a lethargic, unhealthy, mean spirited downtrodden one. Please choose wisely! . Your life circumstances and the judgements of others really don't define who you are on the inside. They don't! Rich, poor, young, get to define who you are at every stage of your life. YOU! Don't give that power away. . Let's enjoy working on the best version of ourselves always; with a few tweaks here and there along the way as none of us are perfect. Some days it's easier to shine brightly than others, that's only natural...but never dim your beautiful, feminine light for anyone, whatever your age. . Happy Sunday friends! Shine brightly (and safely) wherever you are in the world today. You are more loved and special than you may realise. . Sarah 🌟💛🌟 . #agepositive #embracethegrey #greyhairdontcare #grayhairdontcare #agelessliving #midlifewomen #over50 #overfifty #lookforthepositives #agelessstyle #over50style #midlifeinfluencer #50newstart #fitover50 #pilatesbody #classicstyleover50 #bestager50plus #ageisjustanumber #50plusandfabulous #goinggrey #goinggray #blondetogrey #youarespecial #wellness

Objavu dijeli Sarah Virág (@sarah.virag)