Zgodni vampir zaljubljen do neba

10.10.2014 u 15:52


Zgodni Ian Somerhalder iz 'Vampirskih dnevnika' i lijepa Nikki Reed iz sage 'Sumrak', bez sumnje su jedan od najatraktivnijih glumačkih parova u Hollywoodu

Ian je jako zaljubljen u svoju djevojku i stalno je hvali.

Za Nikki je kazao da je jedna od najljepših žena na svijetu te da joj se divi zbog njezinog angažmana u kampanji protiv okrutnosti nad životinjama.

U vezi su oko pet mjeseci, a Ian ne krije da je potpuno očaran lijepom glumicom. Na Instagram je postavio preslatku fotografiju s njihovim psima napisavši: 'Hvala ti što si glas umjesto onih koji ga nemaju. Velika si inspiracija, šešir dolje. S ljubavlju, Ian.'



A day with 3 of the most beautiful ladies in the universe... Wow smiling is such a beautiful part of the human experience-I highly recommend it. Congrats to our little Neitczhe here-1 year ago today, to the minute, you brought 5 beautiful puppies into this world-thank you for your amazing contribution to all of our lives. However, welcome to the wonderful world of being spayed-The world does not need any more puppies, we kill millions and millions per year. These two beautiful creatures right here in this photo or highly intelligent, highly emotional and capable of more love than you can you can ever imagine. The ones that are in shelters are the same-let's adopt them. @iamnikkireed your recent work with Gilt benefiting the @aspca is truly truky extraordinary. Thank you for giving so much of your life and for being a strong voice for those whom can speak. My hat is off to you. You amaze me. Love, Ian

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