Meghan Markle ponovno kiksala: Nikako da savlada važno pravilo

10.07.2018 u 19:39


Meghan Markle prije dva mjeseca postala je dio britanske kraljevske obitelji i od tada se polako privikava na nov i drugačiji način života od onoga na kakvog je do sada navikla odrastajući u Americi. No, čini se kako osnovno pravilo kojeg se pridržava svaka ženska članica kraljevstva lijepa Meghan nikako da savlada

Kate Middleton, princ William, Meghan Markle i princ Harry pridružili su se kraljici Elizabeti II na misnom slavlju u Westminsterskoj opatiji i svečanoj ceremoniji povodom proslave stote godišnjice Kraljevskih zračnih snaga.

Bila je ovo još jedna od prilika kada novopečena vojvotkinja Meghan treba pred britanskom vladaricom pokazati da zna kako se treba ponašati na svečanim kraljevskim prigodama.

Kate Middleton i Meghan Markle
  • Kate Middleton i Meghan Markle
  • Kate Middleton i Meghan Markle
  • Kate Middleton i Meghan Markle
  • Kate Middleton i Meghan Markle
  • Kate Middleton i Meghan Markle
Kate Middleton i Meghan Markle Izvor: Profimedia / Autor: Profimedia

Ipak, 36-godišnja Meghan ponovno je uspjela kiksati. Sjedeći samo jedan red razmaka od kraljice Elizabete, Meghan je u društvu supruga princa Harryja svjesno prekršila jedno vrlo važno pravilo. Vojvotkinja od Sussexa sjedjela je čitavo vrijeme prekriženih nogu, a na njezinu licu nije se činilo kako mari za tu pogrešku.

Meghan Markle Izvor: Društvene mreže / Autor: youtube

Podsjetimo, prije samo dva tjedna Meghan je istu stvar napravila na prijemu u Buckinghamskoj palači, ali tada je nakon samo nekoliko sekundi shvatila što je napravila te se brzo ispravila.

This year, the Royal Air Force turns 100 years old. In 1918 the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service merged to create the Royal Air Force. 🇬🇧 Celebrations took place this morning (July 10th, 2018) with a fly-past at Buckingham Palace and a service at Westminster Abbey. In attendance was HM Queen Elizabeth II, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, The Earl and Countess of Wessex, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. 🇬🇧 Pictured here is the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Prince William and wife Catherine, Duke and Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and wife Meghan during the service. 🇬🇧 During the service, HM The Queen presented the Queen’s Colour to the Royal Air Force. {To mark a special anniversary or event in a Regiment's history, The Queen will occasionally present the unit with new regimental flags, or 'Colours', in a formal ceremony. The Presentation involves a parade and an inspection by The Queen, or a Member of the Royal Family, who may also give a short speech.} In her speech, HM The Queen said: “Today is a very special day. Presenting the RAF with a new Queen’s Colour provides an opportunity to congratulate the service for your contribution to defense over the last 100 years. Tenacity, skill and gallantry have been your hallmarks. I remember the Battle of Britain being fought in the skies above us and we shall never forget the courage and sacrifice of that time. In 1918, my father served alongside the services co-founder before becoming the first of my family to qualify as an RAF pilot. That family tradition continues to this day. The Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge wear their wings with pride.” 🇬🇧 #Royal #theroyalfamily #history #thebritishroyalfamily #followforfollow #hrh #queen #family #royalfamily #queenelizabeth #thebritishmonarchy #queenelizabethii #uk #god #love #beauty #royal #princeofwales #princecharles #dukeofcambridge #princewilliam #princeharry #duchessofsussex #meghanmarkle #RAF #duchessofcambridge #katemiddleton

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Svaka članica kraljevske obitelji prema pravilu treba sjediti skupljenih nogu i blago nakrivljenih na jednu stranu. Upravo tako sjedjele su danas vojvotkinja Camilla i Kate Middleton.