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26.10.2020 u 13:53


Jasmina Hdagha kratko vrijeme bila je u vezi s 18 godina starijim glumcem Billyjem Zaneom, a sada ljubi glazbenog producenta Jima Kaufmana, s kojim čeka prinovu. Vijest o trudnoći obznanila je i na društvenim mrežama

Jasmina Hdagha naša je bivša manekenka koja je u Ameriku otišla još 2009. godine sa željom da postane glumica. U Los Angelesu radi kao osobna trenerica i predaje jogu, a njezin Instagram prepun je fotografija i videosnimaka na kojima izvodi vježbe te nerijetko pozira i posve gola. Upravo je na Instagramu, točnije na Instagram Storyju objavila i vijest da čeka prinovu.

Ta 36-godišnjakinja je u petom mjesecu trudnoće, no i dalje je jako aktivna i redovito vježba jogu. U videu koji je objavila na Instagram Storyju među ostalim se svojim pratiteljima požalila kako joj zbog prakticiranja joge nedostaju njezine 'male grudi'.

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“Most things break instead of transform because they resist. The quiet miracle of love is that without our interference, it, like water, accepts whatever is tossed or dropped or placed into it, embracing it completely.“ “Of course, we are human and are easily hurt if not loved back or if loved poorly. But we waste so much of life’s energy deliberating who and what shall be worthy of our love when in the deepest elemental sense, these choices are not in our province, anymore than rain can choose what it shall fall upon.” “Certainly we need to make decisions: Who will I spend my time with? Who will I learn from? Who will I live with? Who will I marry? But beneath all that, the element of love doesn’t stop being elemental. It does not stop covering everything before it. And over a lifetime, the pain of withholding this great and quiet force is more damaging than the pain of being rejected or loved poorly.” “For love, like water can be dammed, but toward what end?” “In truth, the more we let love flow through, the more we have to love. This is the inner glow that sages and saints of all ages seem to share: the wash of their love over everything before them; not just people, but birds and rocks and flowers and air.” “Beneath the many choices we have to make, love, like water, flows back into the world through us. It is the one great secret available to all. Yet somewhere the misperception has been enshrined that to withhold love will stop hurt. In truth, it is the other way around. As water soaks scars, love soothes our wounds.” “If opened up to, love will accept the angrily thrown stone, and our small tears will lose some of their burn inthe great ocean of tears, and the arrow released to the bottom of the river will lose its point.” ~Mark Nepo fromThe Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have ❤️🙏❤️

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Jasmina se s majkom i sestrom preselila u Libiju, odakle joj je otac, pa je obitelj ondje živjela za vrijeme Domovinskog rata, sve do njezine 16. godine. Kada se vratila u Zagreb, zahvaljujući Tihani Harapin Zalepugin počela je manekensku karijeru. Neko se vrijeme okušavala u glumi, a jednom je prilikom izjavila kako za neke stvari nije imala želudac.

'O prošlosti ne bih previše pričala jer punim plućima živim u sadašnjosti i uživam u svakom dahu. Libija je priča za sebe, za koju bih samo nadodala da ono što nas ne ubije, to nas ojača. Povratak u Hrvatsku je bio veliki izazov i nimalo nije bilo lako. A ja se neopisivo divim svojoj majci koja je moj najveći uzor. Samohrana majka s nas četiri živahne, temperamentne i otkačene djevojčice različitog karaktera… Trebalo je puno truda, strpljenja, odricanja i ljubavi kako bismo bile ovo što smo danas. Iako sam po povratku u Hrvatsku krenula u školu ne znajući čitati ni pisati hrvatski jezik, upisala sam matematičku gimnaziju Lucijana Vranjanina u Zagrebu te sam bila odlična učenica, a zatim i Rudarsko-geološko-naftni fakultet', ispričala je ranije za RTL.

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Remember that in conscious relationships, awareness, accountability, and honesty are important, but just as important are the qualities of acceptance, forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love. Be mindful of what you're focusing on when you look at your partner.. Sometimes we're so focused on telling them what they're doing wrong that we further hurt them by making them feel broken or less then they truly are. We should look at our reflections in the light of true perfection holding them to a standard of truth while at the same time accepting the baggage that they have yet to let go. For example think of yourself and everyone else as a seed... You're a seed that's been planted in the darkness and everyday you're trying to rise through this shadow of the unknown. All that you need to grow is your own design(DNA), water(love) and light(union). However, instead of receiving the water(love) necessary to grow through the pain, the seed is pestered by the gardner who comes back everyday demanding fruit from a seed that is still in the process of gestation. In this day and age, we have an attitude of instant gratification and just because you tell someone the truth, doesn't mean they'll be able to digest it on the spot and grow into a tree overnight. Life is a process of growth and expansion, and it's our job to water each other.. The growth will naturally and organically come as the seed receives what it truly needs; unconditional love.. So this is a message to all of my brothers and sisters in conscious relationships.. Remember that you are growing a garden together and watering the seed is just as important as planting it. Be the divine mirror for each other and humble yourself as more shadow comes to light.. The seed must first break the shell; then trust in the process of transformation; piercing the surface and expanding into the light of truth. Honor your reflections for their presence leads to liberation through letting go🙏🏽 This photo I’m #14weekspregnant #consciousrelationship #yogaeverydamnday #healing #thisisyoga #jasminahdagha #yoga4growth #seedsoflove #compassion #beinghonest #lettinggo #growtogether #loveeachother #loveandalliscoming #belove

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