U 50. godini: Preminuo Minnie-Me iz filmova o Austinu Powersu

22.04.2018 u 08:23


Glumac Verne Troyer, poznat po ulozi Mini-Meja iz filmova o 'Austinu Powersu', umro je u subotu u 50- godini života, objavila je njegova obitelj na društvenim mrežama.

U objavi na njegovoj Facebook stranici obitelj je 's velikom tugom' potvrdila njegovu smrt. Troyer koji je bio visok 81 centimetar zbog genetskog poremećaja, uprizorio je laboratorijsku kopiju komičnog super-zlikovca Dr. Evila u filmu 'Austin Powers: Špijun koji me je hvatao' iz 1999. i nastavku filma snimljenom 2002. godine.

Glumio je i manje uloge u filmovima i na televiziji, a često se pojavljivao u reality programima.

'Iako je rastom bio malen otvorio je više vrata sebi i drugima no što je itko mogao zamisliti', napisala je njegova obitelj.

Troyer je javno priznao da je u prošlosti imao problema s alkoholizmom, a 3. travnja je njegova obitelj na Instagramu priznala da se liječi od te ovisnosti.

Verne Troyer
  • Verne Troyer
  • Verne Troyer
  • Verne Troyer
  • Verne Troyer
  • Verne Troyer
Verne Troyer Izvor: Profimedia / Autor: Profimedia

U objavi od subote stoji da se Troyer 'borio i pobijedio, još se borio, no naposlijetku je to ovoga puta bilo previše'.

U izjavi se kaže da su 'depresija i samoubojstvo vrlo ozbiljni problemi' ali se određenije ne navodi uzrok Troyerove smrti.

It is with great sadness and incredibly heavy hearts to write that Verne passed away today. Verne was an extremely caring individual. He wanted to make everyone smile, be happy, and laugh. Anybody in need, he would help to any extent possible. Verne hoped he made a positive change with the platform he had and worked towards spreading that message everyday. He inspired people around the world with his drive, determination, and attitude. On film & television sets, commercial shoots, at comic-con’s & personal appearances, to his own YouTube videos, he was there to show everyone what he was capable of doing. Even though his stature was small and his parents often wondered if he’d be able to reach up and open doors on his own in his life, he went on to open more doors for himself and others than anyone could have imagined. He also touched more peoples hearts than he will ever know. Verne was also a fighter when it came to his own battles. Over the years he’s struggled and won, struggled and won, struggled and fought some more, but unfortunately this time was too much. During this recent time of adversity he was baptized while surrounded by his family. The family appreciates that they have this time to grieve privately. Depression and Suicide are very serious issues. You never know what kind of battle someone is going through inside. Be kind to one another. And always know, it’s never too late to reach out to someone for help. In lieu of flowers, please feel free to make a donation in Verne’s name to either of his two favorite charities; The Starkey Hearing Foundation and Best Buddies. Photo by @paulmobleystudio

Objavu dijeli Verne Troyer (@vernetroyer)

Inače, kako su svjetski mediji objavili početkom travnja Troyer je završio u bolnici zbog mogućeg trovanja alkoholom. Liječnici su ga tada zadržali 72 sata na promatranju, jer je bio uzrujan i navodno se ponašao suicidalno.

Glumac je od 2004. bio dvije godine u braku s manekenkom Genevieve Gallen, no brak nije potrajao.