
316,246 jobless registered at end of July

09.08.2013 u 19:22


A total of 316,246 jobless were registered with the Croatian Employment Service (HZZ) at the end of July, down 0.6 per cent on the month but up 5.9% on the year, the HZZ said on Friday.

July 2013 was the fifth consecutive month than unemployment declined month-on-month.

Unemployment is highest in Zagreb, accounting for 14% of all jobless in Croatia, and lowest in Lika-Senj County, which has a 0.9% share.

Women account for 52.7% of all jobless. Also, 24.6% of all jobless are aged 25-34.

In July, 19.3% of all jobless received unemployment benefits, down 8.8% from July 2012.