Ainsley Rodriguez nema ništa protiv čvaraka

19.12.2016 u 09:24


Istini za volju, mudrost ima svoju cijenu pa su postovi ovog fitnes modela i osobne trenerice katkad predugački, no njeno neuobičajeno razmišljanje vrijedno je vaše pažnje, pogotovo ako ste ljubitelji masnijeg zalogaja zbog čega imate grižnju savjesti

Velika je zabluda, kaže lijepa Latina, da je masnoća u našem tijelu rezultat unosa masnoća i velika je pogreška izbacivati je iz svoje prehrane. Ainsley objašnjava da je svako tijelo drugačije, a masnoće nam pomažu u optimiziranju njegovog sastava.

Kolesterol iz masnoća potreban nam je tako za stvaranje hormona čija neuravnoteženost dovodi do upalnih stanja. Osim toga, izbacivanje masnoća iz prehrane ima tendenciju njihove zamijene škrobom i šećerom koji su nutritivno siromašni izvori kalorija.

Za zablude o masnoći, kaže Ainsley, kriva je studija stara desetljećima o utjecaju prehrambenih navika na bolesti srca, u kojoj je krivo zaključeno da unos masnoća povećava rizik od srčanih bolesti. Svojim obožavateljima u Slavoniji i Baranji, koji se ovih dana druže uz kotlove u kojima cvrči mast, Ainsley poručuje: 'Ne izbacujte čvarke iz prehrane, uživajte u njima!'.

Up, up and awayyy ✈️ Best place in LA for breakfast? Comment below ?????? #travel #shamelessselfie #wheresthefood

Fotografiju objavljuje Ainsley Rodriguez (@hardcoreainsley)

Welcome to my happy bubble ????: I don't always go to the gym but I DO always stay active! I go to the gym 3/4 times per week for no more than an hour and IF I do cardio it's limited to about 15-20mins of HIIT. I'll toss in boxing, a dance class or just head outdoors to the beach or track another day or two out of the week. Sunday's are usually active rest days for me. Went dancing in the morning and then #jetsurfing with @meetluxhub again (I'm hooked!!!). People ask me if it's difficult to stay active. The answer is NO! Why? Because I love it!!! It's actually quite simple. You think losing weight will make you happy right? BUT, if what you're doing to lose weight makes you less happy then you're pulled in the opposite direction of weight loss AND happiness. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE GYM DON'T GO TO THE GYM! When it comes to exercise, do something YOU LIKE TO DO. If you don't enjoy exercising you won't be doing it very long and it will feel like punishment, hence why most people fall off the wagon. Find an activity you ENJOY and don't make it about the exercise. The exercise is a side benefit! This is what I talk about when I say to take care of your body from the INSIDE OUT! Focus on making peace with the weight you have and then take actions in the direction of weight loss that FEEL GOOD! Feel the momentum of the actions and one day your body will be the embodiment of what you desire. ???????? #sundayfunday #weightlosshack #justbehappy

Fotografiju objavljuje Ainsley Rodriguez (@hardcoreainsley)

Get drunk, not fat ?? I get asked time and time again if it's necessary to give up alcohol for abs....ummmm NO you don't have to! I personally have a glass of wine almost every night and when I do go out to a bar or club with friends I'm drinking tequila! ???? why tequila? Personal preference really. No secret fat burning weapon in tequila lol I'm just not much into vodka or whiskey. I say it allllll the time....eliminating the things you love are NOT necessary however it may just mean opting to mix your drink with soda water instead of sweet and sour mix. Alcohol has a bad reputation for attributing to weight gain but let's analyze that. Your ability to shed pounds depends on your overall energy balance or in short..calories in vs calories out. Alcohol adds extra calories, yes, but just how many are we talking about? If you're pounding margaritas and piña coladas it very well may well hinder your weight loss efforts but if you stick to wine or pure spirits you can minimize that. A single glass of wine is about 90 calories but adding tonic and mixers can easily triple that. For me personally, my nightly glass of wine actually puts me into 'wind-down' mode and PREVENTS me from heading back into the kitchen and snacking on things out of boredom. It's not alcohol itself that directly prevents weight loss but the decisions you make while under the influence that aren't in your favor likeeeeee ordering an XL pizza and chicken wings after a night out ??. (Yup, totally guilty of that of last night but my bootay was back at it this morning!) Alcohol can increase your appetite by suppressing leptin but avoid greasy foods and stick to a healthy meal and don't forget to DRINK WATER before bed and get right back to your routine the next day. I'm not here to encourage people who don't drink to start drinking but I am here to tell you that you do NOT need to neglect going out or having a few drinks with the people you love to drop body fat. Be conscious of what you're drinking and more importantly what you do after you drink. Be active, make healthy choices, let loose, spend time with loved ones and LIVE LIFE ?? ???????? #tequilagirl #livelife #happydance

Fotografiju objavljuje Ainsley Rodriguez (@hardcoreainsley)