Economic growth

Cacic pleased with industrial output rise

29.09.2012 u 22:36


Although the industrial production rose by only 0.6 per cent in August, it is a good indicator of trends in the industrial output, the Croatian People's Party (HNS) leader and First Deputy Prime Minister Radimir Cacic said at a gathering of HNS women members in Karlovac on Saturday.

The deputy PM said that the latest result should be interpreted in the context of the previous industrial downturn and subsequent stagnation and stressed that the result was even more significant having in mind that there had been no production in a part of the shipbuilding industry, in the petrochemical industry regarding the situation surrounding the Dina plant and in the Sisak steel mill in the said period.

Industrial output in Croatia in August grew 0.6 per cent on the year, the first growth after seven months and a better figure than anticipated, the State Bureau of Statistics said on Friday. On the month, August's industrial output went up 0.7%.

Cacic said that he was particularly pleased with a 3.2% growth in capital products and 1.3% in exports, expressing his hope that in 2013 Croatia would have a positive economic growth.

Commenting on his official visit to the Turkish region of Antalya where Croatia opened its consulate, Cacic said that the talks with his hosts had focused on concrete projects and on plans about Turkish investments into the Kupare seaside resort, southernmost Croatia, in the amount between 300-400 million euros.