Cacic says Skrlec is lying

05.07.2012 u 22:22


Croatian First Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Croatian People's Party (HNS) Radmir Cacic said on Thursday it was not true that he had threatened a former assistant in the Environment Ministry, Davor Skrlec, and asked him to hire a member of the HNS in the Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.

"Mr Skrlec is lying," Cacic told reporters after today's government session, asked to comment on Skrlec's claims that he had threatened him and asked him to hire an HNS member in the Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.

Reporters asked other HNS members to comment on Skrlec's claims. Foreign and European Affairs Minister Vesna Pusic said she could not comment on it as she knew nothing about it.

Culture Minister Andrea Zlatar Violic said that positions for which the government was politically responsible were filled by people who could meet objectives.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said he knew nothing about Cacic's appointments according to political party affiliation in the Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, as reported by the media today, adding that he would voice his opinion as soon as he was acquainted with details.

The media today carried a statement by Skrlec, who told a weekly that Cacic had asked him to hire a member of his party in the Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.

"I really don't know what you are talking about, I have to see what this is about. As soon as I am briefed about this, I will answer your questions," Milanovic told the press.

Social Democratic Party MP Mirela Holy today confirmed for reporters the authenticity of emails in which Cacic's chief of staff allegedly asked that Josip Jambrac of the HNS be appointed deputy director of the Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, although he does not have the necessary qualifications to fill that position.

"I read those emails and so I am able to confirm their authenticity," said Holy who resigned recently as Environment Minister over an email to the Croatian rail company director in which she asked for political protection for her party colleague.

She corroborated Skrlec's statement, saying that Cacic had exerted pressure on both her and Skrlec to name Jambrac head of the Environment Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.