Bomb threat

Croatian Embassy in Berlin receives package bomb

17.01.2011 u 19:33


The Croatian Embassy in Berlin on Monday received a package containing a bomb and a threatening letter, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration confirmed.

The suspect package was delivered by a delivery service in the morning. It was separated, put in a safe place and properly secured, the ministry said in a statement.

The German authorities were immediately alerted. They examined the package and found that it contained an M-75 hand grenade with a fuse and a safety pin, which was then removed from the Embassy compound.

An investigation was under way to identify the sender.

Security at the Embassy in Berlin has been heightened since December 23 after several embassies in Rome received package bombs, the statement said.

In September 2010, the Croatian Consulate in Duesseldorf was attacked with Molotov cocktails. None of the consular staff was injured, but Consul-General Vjekoslav Krizanec was taken to hospital because of smoke inhalation and was soon discharged. Police soon arrested the perpetrator, a Croatian national, and found that the motive was of a personal nature. German news portal said that the attacker shouted "You are war criminals" during the attack.