Domestic bonds

Croatian gov't issues two bonds on domestic market

21.07.2011 u 11:07


The Croatian government has issued bonds on the domestic market -- a bond worth 1.5 billion kuna with maturity in 2016, and a bond worth 660 million euros maturing in 2022, the Ministry of Finance announced in a statement on Thursday.

The annual coupon rate of the kuna-denominated bond is 5.75 per cent and that of the euro-denominated bond 6.50 per cent.

The domestic bonds were issued after the recent launch of eurobonds in accordance with the 2011 Budget Financing Plan and the interest of the market. With these issues, the Republic of Croatia has completed the planned issues on the domestic and foreign markets for this year, the statement said.

The Ministry noted that market demand for the kuna-denominated bond was 2.75 billion kuna and for the euro-denominated bond 860 million euros.