War crimes suspect?

Dr Bosanac says police interviews her in connection with war crimes

06.03.2011 u 14:16


The head of the Vukovar general hospital, Dr Vesna Bosanac, told press on Sunday that police contacted her ten days ago in connection with the alleged war crimes she is suspected of.

"The police came to me and interviewed about malpractice, mine and Dr Juraj Njavro's, the Vukovar hospital in 1991," Bosanac said adding that also discussed was the death of Serbian soldier Bojan Gacic, known from the case "Purda-Janjic-Maslov".

"I also talked to the police about the death of a Serbian soldier, whose last name was Nestorov and who died in the shelter in Borovo Commerce and couldn't have been transported to the hospital because the Yugoslav People's Army came to Priljevo and cut off all communication between Vukovar and Borovo Naselje," Bosanac said.

Bosanac stressed that the entire war time hospital staff did their best to tend to the injured patients in the then circumstances, dismissing all accusations about malpractice.

Just as the case of Vukovar war veteran Tihomir Purda ended, this is being served to the public," Bosanac said adding that in her opinion "somebody is deliberately alarming the Croatian public".

"One must talk about what the JNA and Serb paramilitaries did in Vukovar, about a three-month shelling of the town, the death of a large number of Croatian soldiers and civilians, Vukovar residents, Croats and Serbs, one must talks about the occupation of the town, the Ovcara farm and prison camps," Bosanac said.

Spokesman for the Croatian Interior Ministry Krunoslav Borovec told media that police had interviewed Dr Bosanac in connection with criminal charges from Serbia about alleged war crimes.