
Employment service: 323,722 Croatians out of work

11.05.2012 u 11:59


There were 323,722 unemployed Croatians at the end of April 2012, which was down by 4.8% (or 16,160 fewer jobless people) on the month and up by 4.8% (or 14,853 more people) on the year, the national Employment Service (HZZ) reported on Thursday.

During April, a total of 18,968 Croatians were entered into the HZZ register of jobless people, 12.7% less than in March 2012 and 9.5% more than in April 2011.

Of those 18,968 new entries, 11,645 were people who lost their jobs, and 23.1% of them came from the processing industry, 19.2% from wholesale and retail trade, and 10.8% from the construction sector.

The HZZ statistics also reflect trends under the influence of seasonal employment.

In April, as many as 35,128 people were erased from the HZZ register, which was 41.7% more than in March, and 8.9% less than in April 2011.

Of them, 26,624 were erased from the HZZ register because they found employment and 8,504 were removed for other reasons.

As many as 7,999 people were awarded contracts for seasonal employment.