FM Pusic:

'EU and NATO guarantors of long-term stability in SE Europe'

29.10.2012 u 18:17


The Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Vesna Pusic, said in Zagreb on Monday that the European Union and NATO were the guarantors of long-term stability in Southeast Europe.

"Membership of NATO and the EU is the guarantee of long-term stability in this region. From the historical point of view, this is the first and most important of all problems, and hence the task and goal of this region," Pusic said while opening a seminar entitled "Public relations and Euro-Atlantic integration".

"NATO helps strengthen stability through strengthening security, whereas the EU helps gradual transformation of state institutions," she said.

Pusic reiterated Zagreb's support for the European integration of all countries in the region, adding that Croatia was willing to share its experience from the accession process with all countries aspiring for EU and NATO membership.

The two-day seminar is being attended by journalists from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Croatia. Among the speakers will be NATO's Assistant Secretary-General for Public Diplomacy, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Chris Riley of NATO's Media Operations Centre, and Croatian National Bank Governor Boris Vujcic.