Slovenia is still far from a final decision on the possible construction of a second block at the Krsko nuclear power plant even though that project has been included in the national energy programme, Slovenian Economy Minister Darja Radic told Slovenian Television on Wednesday evening.
"The draft energy programme has been completed, it includes a second block of the nuclear power plant, but before the programme is publicly debated and before it is adopted, one should ensure environmental consent. The current stage of the project for the second block is still one of an idea, and it will take several years to make a final decision on it," said Radic.
She added that one of the most important elements in deciding on whether to build the second block or not would be the "social acceptability" of the new nuclear unit.
"Social acceptability for the project will have to be ensured not only in Slovenia - neighbouring countries will have to be asked for consent as well."