Swiss franc-pegged loans

Finance Minister: Franak has right to press charges against central bank

07.05.2013 u 18:40


Responding to questions from the press on Tuesday, Finance Minister Slavko Linic said that the Franak civil action group, which represents people burdened with loans pegged to the Swiss franc, had a right to press charges against the Croatian National Bank.

"The government has been consulting with the HNB for four months now how to ensure protection of citizens in their relations with commercial banks. Already this week we will see what the Ministry of Finance has proposed with regard to limiting interest rates on some of the loans and the calculation of interest rates and penalty interest," Linic said.

He would not discuss details, but after repeated questions from the press he said that the Ministry stuck to its proposal that citizens' bank account overdraft limit should be set at one average monthly salary and that this should be arranged in an agreement between private individuals and their banks so that the banks would not change the terms "overnight".