Serbia - EU

Fuele: Serbia's EU negotiations within reach

26.04.2013 u 16:27


European Union Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele on Friday said in Belgrade that the start of negotiations with Serbia were at hand's reach, however, he stressed the importance of the reforms of the judiciary, guaranteeing its independence and struggle against corruption as a key element to further progress by Serbia toward European Union (EU) membership.

Opening a Start-up Conference of the Joint EU – Council of Europe Project: “Strengthening the Capacities of Law Enforcement and Judiciary in the Fight against Corruption in Serbia”, in Belgrade on Friday, Fuele underscored that the fight against corruption primarily required political will and Serbian citizens must know that no-one is above the law.

Recalling the historic breakthrough in negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels last week and that the Commission had recommended the start of negotiations with Serbia, Fuele pointed out that "the possibility of opening accession negotiations has come within your reach."

"I trust that you will be able to use this opportunity fully; I believe it will now be possible to implement the agreement so that in June the Member States can feel comfortable enough to decide in June on the unconditional opening of negotiations." he said.

Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade Antje Rothemund said that Serbia had long ago opted for the European path as it has been a member of the pan-European organisation for more than decade. She too underscored that the fight against corruption was one of the greatest challenges facing Serbia on the road to European integration.

Serbia's Vice President Aleksandar Vucic assessed that Serbia's results over the past eight months were greater than those of the past eight years and considers this to be sufficient reason for the EU to reward Serbia and its citizens.

Fuele arrived in Belgrade and on Thursday evening after meeting with Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said that he was visiting Serbia to encourage it "to maintain the degree of commitment, determination and vision shown when making decisions important for the future of Serbia in the European family."

Fuele is expected to meet with Serbia's President Tomislav Nikolic later in the day.