Nuclear waste dump

Gov't on Krsko radioactive waste management

13.09.2012 u 20:42


Croatia is paying a lot for the disposal of radioactive waste from the Krsko nuclear power plant in the area only 10 kilometres from the Croatian border and 30 kilometres from Zagreb and one needs to think about how rational and safe this is, it was said at the Croatian government session on Thursday.

During a debate on the report on the fund for financing Krsko radioactive waste management, Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic said Croatia needed to consider building its own nuclear waste dump in Croatia in stead of paying someone else to dispose the nuclear waste from Krsko.

There are solutions for a nuclear waste dump in Croatia, Milanovic said adding that the previous government has also tried to open this problem but then it backed out.

Economy Minister Radimir Cacic said the fund for financing Krsko radioactive waste management had nearly HRK 1 billion at its disposal, adding that the government should adopt amendments to the law enabling the participation of that capital in very profitable projects, such as renewables.