Swiss franc-pegged loans

Governor: One of possible measures is fixing Swiss currency as six kuna

09.08.2011 u 22:22


Croatian National Bank (HNB) governor Zeljko Rohatinski told Croatian Television on Tuesday evening that the HNB was prepared to be included in the process aimed at finding a solution to cushion the consequences of the appreciation of the Swiss franc for people who took loans pegged to the Swiss currency, adding that one of the possible measures was the so-called balloon loan proposed by the banks and fixing the franc exchange rate at HRK 6.

"The HNB believes that the exchange rate of the Swiss franc should be six kuna per franc, given that in the meantime the euro also appreciated and that too should be taken into account," Rohatinski told Croatian Television.

"A solution exists if we approach it rationally, which primarily means that we must not look at this situation exclusively as a social problem and particularly not as a political problem," the governor said when ask if the central bank could do anything given that the Swiss franc was constantly increasing.

He said that from the economic point of view, the appreciation of the Swiss currency was neither favourable for the clients nor the banks.

Asked why the franc continued to grow despite the intervention of the Swiss National Bank and are there any indications that the Swiss currency would stabilise, Rohatinski said globalised financial markets were so big that no individual act could make a significant change.