Government crisis

Hebrang: Those who want to topple PM are against Croatia

26.10.2010 u 17:36


Ahead of Wednesday's debate on a confidence vote in Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, moved by the Opposition, the head of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) parliamentary caucus, Andrija Hebrang, said on Tuesday that those who were trying to topple PM Kosor "are against Croatia".

"We always respond to defamation with the truth and arguments," Hebrang told reporters ahead of today's session of the HDZ caucus in the Parliament (Sabor).

Hebrang said the coalition government led by Kosor, who succeeded Ivo Sanader after he suddenly resigned and left both the cabinet and the HDZ party, began functioning with her stepping in as Prime Minister although the crisis was hitting the country.

"She has bravely set to work, we are recovering from the crisis," Hebrang said, adding that HDZ deputies would defend Kosor tomorrow, pointing out all of her achievements since she became the premier.

Hebrang praised Kosor for having removed obstacles in Croatia's European union accession negotiations. He gave her credit for Croatia's being on the threshold of EU membership and for "the serious campaign against corruption and crime".

"Those who want to oust such a Prime Minister are against Croatia," he said.

Parliament is due to convene tomorrow to discuss the proposal for a vote of no confidence in Kosor, moved by the Social Democratic Party (SDP).

A total of 58 deputies of the SDP, the Croatian People's Party, the Istrian Democratic Party, the Croatian Pensioners Party, the Croatian Party of Rights and the Labour Party signed a petition for the no-confidence vote.

They hold Kosor responsible for the deteriorating economic situation in the country, failure to implement reforms and poor public credibility, stressing that this was caused by numerous financial scandals and internal conflicts in the ruling HDZ.