Tax dodgers

HGK calls for more measures against tax nonpayment

31.07.2012 u 14:21


Croatia's Chamber of Commerce (HGK) welcomes the government's determination to bring the fiscal situation into order, and it also urges the authorities to launch mechanisms for solving the condition of big defaulters who have an impact on business operations of medium-sized and small businesses.

Following the publication of the list of tax debtors earlier on Tuesday, the chamber called on the government also to adopt additional criteria in the fiscal policy so as to bring more order to this sector.

The Finance Ministry's tax administration made public a list of over 102,000 tax debtors who have not paid their tax debts for 90 days. The publication of the list is made possible with the amendments of the general tax law which regulate the exceptions from keeping business secrets.

The list contains companies with the tax debt exceeding the threshold of 300,000 kuna, small businesses whose tax debt is over the HRK 100,000 threshold and individual citizens whose tax debt exceeds the threshold of HRK 15,000 and is in arrears of more than 90 days.

The list does not include tax payers who have agreed with the administration about the rescheduling of the payment of their tax debt.