
HSLS: Gerrymandering will not help HDZ and HSS

28.03.2011 u 15:14


Redrawing the boundaries of the electoral areas will help the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and its coalition partner the Croatian Peasant Party (HSS) to win the next parliamentary election, the Social Liberal Party (HSLS) leader Darinko Kosor told a news conference in Zagreb on Monday.

Gerrymandering will perhaps help them to get two more seats in the parliament but it will not change the election result to their favour, the HSLS head said adding that the Croatians want changes and know how to ensure them.

Darinko Kosor said that the boundaries should have been adjusted before due to great discrepancies with a parliamentary deputy needing 11,000 votes in one area while another needs 17,000 votes to win a seat. This electoral redistricting should have been done before the constitutional deadline, namely by 11 March and rather than six or seven months before the elections, he added.

The HSLS chief said that his party would run in the elections on its own and try to win the support of undecided voters who he believes are fed up with both the ruling HDZ and the strongest opposition Social Democratic Party (SDP).