Croatia - IMF

IMF mission on week-long visit to Croatia

08.11.2010 u 16:43


A mission of the International Monetary Fund on Monday began its long-week visit to Croatia with talks at the Finance Ministry and the Croatian National Bank. The visit is part of regular consultations in line with Article IV of the IMF statute.

IMF officials are expected to hold talks also with representatives of the Croatian government, the Office of the Croatian President, parliamentarians and executives of major banks, as well as with officials of the Croatian Privatisation Fund and several state institutions.

Also scheduled are meetings with representatives of the Office of the World Bank in Croatia, the Office of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Zagreb, and the European Commission's Delegation in Croatia.

According to unofficial reports, the talks will focus on the latest macroeconomic indicators and projections of the monetary and fiscal policies for the coming period, as well as on anti-crisis and anti-recession measures.