
Interest on housing loans expected to fall

06.12.2009 u 19:57


Housing loans that are more favourable than the existing ones can now be introduced because both domestic and foreign sources of financing are slightly cheaper than they were in the first half of 2009, Zagrebacka Banka (ZABA) Management Board chairman Franjo Lukovic said on the occasion of reintroduction of ZABA housing loans for people under 40.

Housing loans that are morefavourable than the existing ones can now be introduced because both domesticand foreign sources of financing are slightly cheaper than they were in thefirst half of 2009, Zagrebacka Banka (ZABA) Management Board chairman FranjoLukovic said on the occasion of reintroduction of ZABA housing loans for peopleunder 40.

"There are indications that interest rates on the Croatian financialmarket have reached their maximum and now they can be expected to go downgradually," Lukovic said in a statement issued by ZABA last week when thebank re-introduced housing loans for people under 40, with a repayment periodof up to 25 years.

A housing loan for people under 40 has an interest rate of 7 percent, whichis 0.5 percentage points below the interest rate of a standard housing loan.

As the leader in the housing loan market, with a portfolio of HRK 17billion, ZABA has so far granted every third housing loan in the country.

By the end of November, ZABA granted more than HRK 1.2 billion worth ofhousing loans.