Bomb threat

Josipovic says threats won't discourage him

18.01.2011 u 13:36


Croatian President Ivo Josipovic has said that the bomb package containing a threatening letter that arrived at the Croatian Embassy in Berlin on Monday will not prevent him from starting his official visit to Germany on Wednesday or discourage him from performing his tasks.

"Of course I will travel to Germany, threats cannot and must not discourage those who work for the benefit of their country," Josipovic told reporters after visiting the Koncar company in Zagreb on Tuesday.

"This is about extremists to whom democratic values are of no relevance, and they are certainly of no relevance to Croatian society either," Josipovic said in a comment on the possible background of the bomb package.

He stressed that Croatia would not give up its European integration and that he and other Croatian officials would continue doing their job regardless of possible threats.

As for the threats from the letter regarding his improved cooperation with Serbian President Boris Tadic, Josipovic said that it was only one of the motives.

This is about extremist circles who do not care about democracy, Croatia's progress and its European future because "Croatia's regional policy is an important factor of our European policy," Josipovic said.

He added that there would be no changes to his security, but also that this would be decided by those in charge of his security.

"Croatia is a safe country, a country where everyone, including its president, can freely take a walk in the street," Josipovic said.