Croatia - US

Josipovic: US sees Croatia's EU accession as strategic progress

03.05.2011 u 20:30


The United States welcomes Croatia's progress towards European Union membership, considering it strategic for the entire region of Southeast Europe, Croatian President Ivo Josipovic said after meeting US Vice President Joe Biden at the White House on Tuesday.

"America recognises Croatia's progress in reforms, in drawing closer to the European Union, and views our accession to the Union as strategic progress for the entire region, notably for Croatia," said Josipovic.

He stressed the meeting with Biden focused on bilateral relations, Croatia's current position in the world and Europe, cooperation within NATO, and the fight against terrorism.

There was also talk about the region, where the US recognises Croatia's role in the development of good regional relations, said Josipovic.

He said the meeting did not discuss Croatia's cooperation with the Hague war crimes tribunal, as it was not an issue. Regarding the lifting of visa requirements for Croatian citizens travelling to the USA, he said the criteria were clear and that Croatia was working towards meeting them.

Asked if the US wanted Croatia to step up its engagement in Afghanistan, Josipovic said Croatia was given credit for its contribution in Afghanistan so far and that no new requests were made.

Josipovic said he was "very pleased" with his talks with Biden, who he said was very well informed about the situation in Croatia and the region as well as "very friendly" towards them.

"He is a politician who sees and recognises what is being done in Croatia about reforms, about improving relations in the region and about Croatia's EU accession."

The meeting also discussed the recent US operation in which al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed, with the conclusion that the fight against terrorism is not over, said Josipovic.

Later today, he was also scheduled to meet Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and members of Congress.