EU treaty ratification

Karamarko: Croatia can raise question of Sveta Gera

23.07.2012 u 22:34


The head of Croatia's strongest opposition party, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), said on Monday that ratification of Croatia's EU accession treaty should be separated from bilateral issues between Croatia and Slovenia.

"We can easily raise the question of Sveta Gera, because that is indisputably a piece of Croatian territory on which Slovenia has its military installations," HDZ leader Tomislav Karamarko said during a visit to Stara Kapela near Slavonski Brod, about 200 kilometres east of Zagreb.

Karamarko made the statement when asked by reporters to comment on Slovenia making ratification of Croatia's EU accession treaty conditional on resolution of the issue of Croatian deposits with the now defunct Slovenian bank Ljubljanska Banka, which Slovenia regards as an issue of succession to the former Yugoslavia.