Sanader's 'serious threat'

Kosor: Those who are afraid should leave

13.10.2010 u 14:56


Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said on Wednesday that she saw the statements made on Tuesday by former Prime Minister Ivo Sanader before the parliamentary commission investigating INA's privatisation as a serious threat, but that she was not afraid and that she would continue working to strengthen the rule of law.

Asked by reporters after visiting the Zagreb Trade Fair Centre if she was afraid of Sanader's statement "He who digs a pit may fall into it", made before the commission, Kosor said that it was a serious threat, but that she would continue working on strengthening the rule of law.

"I will keep insisting, together with my colleagues in the HDZ and the government, that the rule of law be strengthened, that state institutions do their job, and that in the fight for a law-based state and against crime and corruption, no one should have the right to give in or be afraid," Kosor said.

"Those who are afraid should leave and those who can do the job should stay. That is my message to the three pillars of government," the PM said.

She added that there had been a lot of threats, intimidation and spins in recent months, but that the government had to complete its job.

"No threats or spins, none of what has been going on lately on the political scene will intimidate me or my colleagues in carrying out our programme of economic recovery, completing the accession talks with the EU, and fighting corruption," said Kosor.