Kosovo's President Fatmir Sejdiu said on Monday his Serbian counterpart Boris Tadic would not be invited to a mini-summit of presidents from the region, due to take place in Prizren early next year.
"I will not invite him to the meeting. There certainly will be otheropportunities to do so, but I will not invite him just as a matter of form. Howcan I invite a man who uses all his energy to speak against Kosovo'sindependence and obstructs the further recognition of it," Sejdiu said ata New Year's reception in Pristina, given for representatives of the media.
Sejdiu said that the general position of Kosovo's leadership was toestablish good relations with Serbia.
"We are ready for that, but not just as a formality," he said,adding that he was confident that the time would come when a president ofSerbia would be invited to visit Kosovo and a president of Kosovo would beinvited to visit Serbia.
"We are always ready to invest in good-neighbourly relations, butnever, and I strongly repeat, never to discuss subjects that they put on theagenda, such as renewed negotiations or the status of Kosovo," Sejdiusaid.
Sejdiu said that a date of the summit had not been fixed yet, but that thepresidents of Albania, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro agreed to meet inKosovo in the first quarter of the New Year.
Kosovo media said that the meeting would take place on January 7 or 8.