Anonymous allegation

Linic suspects police chief as author of allegation against him

17.05.2011 u 23:36


Social Democratic Party (SDP) member of Parliament Slavko Linic said in Rijeka on Tuesday that he suspected that national chief of police Oliver Grbic was the author of the allegation against him about the disappearance of 800,000 German marks intended for the purchase of weapons for Rijeka's defence at the start of the war in 1991.

"Since the letter, as we have learned from the media today, is addressed to Oliver Grbic and copies CCed to two party officials, Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) members of Parliament from Rijeka and Dubrovnik, it is obvious that the author could only be Oliver Grbic, but that's just my suspicion," Linic told a press conference in response to questions from reporters.

Linic said he had not yet been called by the police for an interview and that based on the existing law he could not be summoned in connection with this case. "There is no criminal prosecution, only so-called preliminary police inquiries, which goes to show that the Croatian police service is in the hands of irresponsible people," he added.

"An attempt by the police to make it look that the State Attorney's Office has launched a proceeding, and the State Attorney's Office says that it's a lie, shows how deeply the police are steeped in the abuse of power and how dangers Oliver Grbic and (Interior Minister) Tomislav Karamarko are," Linic said.