
Mesic says Dodik's invitation 'story for little children'

07.12.2010 u 17:47


Former Croatian President Stjepan Mesic said on Tuesday that Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik's invitation to Croats to return to the Bosnian Serb entity was "a story for little children," stressing that Republika Srpska must secure funds in its own budget, as Croatia secured funds for the return of Serbs.

After talks with Croatian President Ivo Josipovic in Banja Luka on Monday, the President of the Bosnian Serb entity of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, called on Croat refugees to return to their pre-war homes in Republika Srpska, promising that they would be safe.

"I expect Bosnian Serb leaders to understand that borders cannot be changed, that the architecture of this area has been completed and for me Milorad Dodik's invitation to Croats and Bosniaks to return is a story for little children," Mesic said after the launch of a book on business diplomacy which he co-wrote with Jasna Plevnik.

Asked to comment on yesterday's verdict against former Defence Minister Berislav Roncevic, given that he, in his former capacity as president of Croatia, had requested on several occasions that Roncevic be investigated, Mesic said the only thing important to him was that it was established that the deal was bordering on crime and who was responsible.

The Zagreb County Court on Monday sentenced Roncevic and his assistant Ivo Bacic to four years and two years in prison respectively for defrauding the state budget of 10.2 million kuna by buying military trucks for the Croatian army from the Iveco company that were more expensive and less good than trucks offered by other bidders.

The book launch was also attended by the incumbent President Ivo Josipovic.