Nema što ne može gipka Sjana

13.09.2016 u 09:04


Iako se jogom bavi tek nekoliko godina, ne postoji joga pozicija ili asana koju ne može izvesti ova mlada Australka!

Životna priča Sjane Elise Earp dostojna je holivudskog 'blockbustera'. Još kad je imala 15 godina ova je tanka mankeneka upala u strašnu depresiju. Iz kuće nije izlazila danima, jesti nije htjela, a navodno je nekoliko puta zbog svog lošeg mentalnog zdravlja završila u bolnici.

Ta životna drama je trajala nekoliko godina, sve do momenta kad je 19-godišnja Sjana odlučila upisati faks (fotografija i novinarstvo), počela se baviti jogom te osnovala Instagram stranicu na kojoj objavljuje samo pozitivne i seksi fotke!

Njen Instagram je postao pravi hit, ne samo u Australiji, nego i po cijelom svijetu. Ne sumnjamo da u Indiji postoje jogiji koji prate njene fotke i dive se njenoj savitljivosti!

The human body is something to be CELEBRATED and adored. Not criticised and judged. We shouldn't feel embarrased or ashamed about our bodies. We should feel proud and privileged. Nudity is no exception. Our bare bodies should be accepted for the miracles they are. Why is it that a nude body creates so much conflict and debate? Why is it that it makes us feel so vulnerable, raw and shameful about something so natural and normal? What makes us believe our existence is less significant because our physical appearance varies from another? Why are we so quick to compare bodies as if our value as a human being is dependant upon the outcome? We don't critique mountains. The beauty of a river is not determined by its width. And we do not compare the beauty of a flower to the beauty of the sea. So why do we do so with our own natural form? I'm not just saying this because I am skinny. I'm saying this because I firmly believe that society needs to transform its opinions about the human form and remove the negative stigma and shame surrounding nudity and acceptance of the human figure. Individually, we all need to become more accepting and loving of the form we have been blessed enough to have. (Regardless of weight, shape, size and social standards). I'm saying this because I am a woman who wants other women to feel proud and comfortable in their own skin. A woman who wants "imperfections" and "flaws" to be seen as beauty and uniqueness. A woman who doesn't want her children to have to grow up doubting their worth because of their shape or size. Because i'm a woman who wants to see positive change; and young girls grow up knowing that they are beautiful, incredible and extraordinary regardless of what they look like. Because i'm a woman who wants to see her friends compliment themselves and graciously accept the body they have. I'm saying this because I am a human who desperately wants body shaming and self doubt to be replaced by acceptance and self love. Thank you @nude_yogagirl for putting me up to the nude yoga challenge and for being a source of inspiration and a constant reminder of self love. ????

A photo posted by Sjana Elise Earp (@sjanaelise) on

New blog post on ?? My thoughts and book review of "The Alchemist" ?? link is in my bio ????

A photo posted by Sjana Elise Earp (@sjanaelise) on