'Both are down'

Novosti reports threats against paper and editor

06.10.2010 u 14:10


Novosti weekly, which is published by the Serb National Council, whose latest cover shows a photo of two MIG jets with Croatian insignia and the caption "Both of them, both are down!", said in a statement on Wednesday that it has been receiving threats all morning via email and telephone that a bomb will be set to go off in the Novosti news room and that the editor will be killed.

"If anything should happen, we will hold Defence Minister Branko Vukelic, Croatian Army Chief of Staff Josip Lucic, and Croatian Helsinki Committee president Ivan Zvonimir Cicak responsible because they issued statements on Tuesday containing inflammatory speech and calling for a public lynching campaign against members of the Novosti news room by making vicious comments about our cover," Novosti said in a statement.

The weekly said that it took the death threats seriously and that they reported the incident to the police. The weekly also said it expected the Croatian Army Supreme Commander, President Ivo Josipovic, and Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor to hold their subordinates accountable.

Police confirmed that the weekly had reported the threats, adding that an investigation was underway.