War veterans register

One committee slams publication of register, another urges change of legislation

14.04.2010 u 18:04


The Croatian parliament's committee on home affairs and national security and the defence committee on Wednesday urged state bodies to carry out an urgent investigation in relation to to the online publication of a portion of the Homeland War Veterans Register.

The national security committee pushed for amendments to the law which would enable the publication of the veterans' register, while the defence committee condemned the illegal publication of a portion of the register.

"We were unable to adopt a joint conclusion, which is why each committee passed their own," head of the national security committee Ranko Ostojic said, adding that his committee adopted two conclusions - one: asking the institutions to do their job and establish who is responsible for the Internet leakage and two: amending the legislation so that the Register could be published without violating the rights of war veterans.

Parliamentary deputy Milorad Pupovac of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS), who sits on the national security committee, told reporters he voted for the publication of the register.

The SDSS party is a junior partner of the governing coalition. Members of the ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) are against making the register public.

The HDZ caucus's head, Andrija Hebrang, said that the HDZ abided by the position that in a law-based countries the existing legislation must be respect as long as it is in effect.