After first year...

Opposition leader: Gov't doesn't deserve a passing grade

03.12.2012 u 17:32


The president of the strongest Opposition party - the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) - Tomislav Karamarko, said on Monday that the ruling coalition's work in the first year of their term could not be assessed as satisfactory.

"This is an unsuccessful, bad government which hasn't done anything useful and it is compensating its incompetence with arrogance towards trade unions and colleagues in parliament," Karamarko said.

Karamarko said that the ruling coalition's Agenda 21 was an election deception.

The only thing they did was to get rid of the staff who did not belong to parties in the ruling coalition, regardless of their skilfulness, he said

The Opposition leader said the government failed to implement the necessary economic changes. "They are trying to patch up budget holes ... by a tax policy which, apart from raising energy prices, is discouraging entrepreneurs," Karamarko said.

Karamarko also criticised the government for shifting the blame onto trade unions and employers.