Minister of Finance:

‘Pensioners in large apartments will not receive social welfare any more’

26.06.2012 u 14:57


Pensioners who live in apartments of 150 square meters or more will not receive assistance from the social welfare funds because they are actually ‘rich’, said Finance Minister Slavko Linic.

The Finance Minister also announced that, from next year on, the property tax would be introduced, Jutarnji List reported. The unused and new property will be taxed at higher rates, while the property in regular use, such as rented apartments or weekend houses, will be taxed at relatively low rates.

A single person or a family whose property is worth over 332,600 kuna (45,000 euros) will no longer be eligible for welfare aid from the state. The value of the property eligible for the property tax for a single person does not include the basic 35 square meters, and ten square meters for each additional family member, Jutarnji list reported.