Economic recovery

PM says gov't not thinking about budget revision

06.05.2011 u 12:40


Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said on Friday the government was not thinking about another budget revision at this moment, adding however, that should there be a revision, the funds would not be increased but decreased.

"We are not thinking about a budget revision at this moment, but we are working on finding additional sources of income to the budget, which cannot be increased," Kosor said while presenting the results of the the implementation of the government's Economic Recovery Programme.

Kosor also presented the latest figures from the Croatian Employment Bureau, which show that 308,869 people were unemployed at the end of April. She also said that 28,849 people registered with the Employment Bureau found jobs. Of this number 7,800 people were hired for the purpose of the census implementation.

She expressed hope the unemployment would continue to go down and that the number of jobless people would soon drop below 300,000.