Kosor vs. Sanader

PM says ruling coalition 'stronger than ever'

05.01.2010 u 19:56


The ruling coalition is stronger than ever, Prime Minister and Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) leader Jadranka Kosor said on Tuesday after a meeting of the coalition's leaders.

"We had a meeting of real coalition partners, I'm very happy, and themost important agreement is that we are going on, stronger than ever, firm anddetermined to resolve all the problems ahead," she told press.

Commenting on the HDZ Presidency's expulsion of honorary president IvoSanader from the party last night, Kosor said the HDZ "took a newstep," adding the decision was made by majority vote and that the smallnumber of abstentions "only reinforces the HDZ as a strong democratic partyand force in Croatia".

The press asked if she had confidence in the presidency members who votedagainst expunging Sanader from party membership, notably Parliament SpeakerLuka Bebic.

"I trust him. I generally trust people until proven wrong. I understandeveryone who was against the leadership's proposal as well as the colleagueswho abstained from voting. That proves that we function as a democratic partybut, obviously, I will ask that everyone respects every decision of the party'sleadership. When the majority in the Presidency decides something, that isbinding for all members of that body and of the party."

Kosor dismissed allegations that she met Interior Minister TomislavKaramarko and State Attorney Mladen Bajic last night because of Sanader.

"I don't know why some media made that connection. Everything isn'talways cause-and-effect," she said, adding the meeting with Karamarko andBajic had been arranged for earlier but was delayed because of the HDZPresidency session.

Kosor said she and the two officials had discussed an upcoming session ofthe commission for the suppression of corruption which is scheduled to analysethe concrete measures under way in the fight against corruption.