Criminal investigation

Police dismiss Linic's statement as inappropriate

16.05.2011 u 13:17


The Ministry of the Interior said on Monday that the statement by Social Democratic Party (SDP) member of Parliament Slavko Linic, in which he had accused Interior Minister Tomislav Karamarko and national chief of police Oliver Grbic of insinuations, was inappropriate.

"Mr Linic, by implicating Minister Karamarko and Chief of Police Grbic in events in which they had no part, shows that he is either uninformed or misinformed about the entire criminal investigation," the ministry said in a statement.

The statement said that the County Police Department in Rijeka was acting on a request by the County Prosecutor's Office to conduct several interviews in connection with the purchase of weapons for the Territorial Defence in Rijeka in 1991.

Linic and several other persons have been accused of the disappearance of 800,000 German marks in July 1991, the amount that was to be used for the purchase of weapons from Slovenia. Linic served as Mayor of Rijeka and chairman of the city's crisis management committee at the time.

Linic told the commercial television network Nova TV on Sunday evening he was not worried about the anonymous allegation of war profiteering, adding that Karamarko and Grbic were insinuating against him.