Hypo Bank probe

Rohatinski says HNB willing to cooperate in investigation into Hypo Bank

01.04.2010 u 19:21


Croatian National Bank (HNB) Governor Zeljko Rohatinski on Thursday issued a statement saying that the HNB was willing to, acting in line with Croatian laws, exchange information and discuss all issues from within the scope of its work regarding an investigation into the operation of Hypo Alpe Adria Bank in Croatia, and that it expected inquiries or a visit by representatives of relevant Austrian institutions.

"With regard to media speculation about my possible testimony before a commission of inquiry of the provincial parliament of Carinthia, I would like to state that within cooperation with relevant Austrian institutions - envisaged by the bilateral Treaty Amending the European Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and the Memorandum of Cooperation between the HNB and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance and the Austrian Agency for the Supervision of Financial Markets, the HNB is willing (as it has been so far) to exchange information and discuss all issues from within the scope of its work regarding the Hypo Alpe Adria Bank case," Rohatinski said in the statement.

"In that regard, we expect relevant inquiries or a visit by representatives of relevant Austrian institutions," reads the statement.

Citing conclusions from a meeting of four parties in the Carinthian parliament, the Austrian daily Der Standard reported in mid-March that Rohatinski would testify before the federal parliament's commission of inquiry about the operation of Hypo Alpe Adria Bank in Croatia.

The paper said invitations to testify in a major investigation into Hypo Group before the commission in Klagenfurt had been sent to 70 witnesses, including Austria's former finance minister Karl-Heinz Grasser, representatives of the Austrian central bank, the agency for the supervision of financial operations in Liechtenstein, current members of Hypo Group's management, Carinthian prosecutors and a number of politicians.

According to the same source, Rohatinski is due to testify on April 14-15.

The hearings in the case started last week.