Budget revision

Ruling coalition discusses budget, details on Tuesday

23.08.2010 u 16:41


A meeting of the ruling coalition on a budget revision ended after three and a half hours on Monday and according to some participants, Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor is expected to brief the public about the draft's details tomorrow after talks with President Ivo Josipovic.

Most ruling coalition members would not reveal details of the meeting, but Milorad Pupovac, vice-president of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS), said Kosor would inform the public about the budget revision on Tuesday after talks with Josipovic.

When asked if agreement had been reached, Pupovac said it had in principle about the general elements of the draft, reiterating the public would be informed tomorrow.

When asked about the SDSS' position on the draft's items, Pupovac said he would take his "final position at the parliamentary session".

Finance Minister Ivan Suker, too, said details would be revealed tomorrow, while Deputy Parliament Speaker Ivan Jarnjak said parliament would discuss the budget revision on Thursday.