Serbia - EU

Serbia-EU SAA enters into force

01.09.2013 u 16:20


The Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Serbia and the European Union came into force on Sunday, with European Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele congratulating Belgrade on this event.

"Today is a milestone in Serbia's path towards the EU, as well as a good deal for citizens on both sides. Serbia now has a comprehensive framework in place to move closer to the EU and to prepare for its future participation in the Single Market, with all the benefits it offers to business and citizens", the Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy said in his comment.

The Stabilisation and Association Agreement, an instrument how the EU supports Serbia's progress towards accession, fosters mutual cooperation and promotes regional cooperation.

The negotiations on the SAA started in November 2005 and this agreement was initialled in April 2008. Prior to taking effect, the document was ratified by Serbia and by the EU Member States. The European Council decision to conclude this agreement was adopted on 22 July 2013, paving the way for the entry into force of this agreement on 1 September 2013.

"All the trade and trade related provisions of the SAA were already included in an Interim Agreement (IA) which came into force in February 2010. The IA effectively initiated the creation of a free trade area between the EU and Serbia," the Commission reported.