Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) spokeswoman Suncana Glavak on Tuesday refuted media reports that the Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organised Crime (UKOK) was checking the ruling party's business books, underlining that the HDZ fully supported all institutions in the fight against all forms of crime and corruption.
"USKOK didn't break into the HDZ and there were no such activities," Glavak told press ahead of a meeting of the party's parliamentary group.
She was asked if it was true that USKOK, as claimed by the media, had come to the HDZ and was "combing through (the party's) books."
"What the HDZ is constantly reiterating, so I will reiterate it too, is full support to all institutions in their work and full support for the fight against all forms of crime and corruption. That's also the HDZ's programme and everything else is speculation," said Glavak.