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Suker: PM was not referring to me when announcing reshuffle

28.09.2010 u 15:39


Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Ivan Suker said on Tuesday he did not feel that PM Jadranka Kosor was referring to him in her announcement of a government reshuffle on Sunday, while Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Minister Bozidar Kalmeta said he stated his opinion yesterday.

"I don't feel that it refers to me at all. I'm currently focused on many important jobs," Suker said after the "Day of Big Plans" business conference, in response to the question from press if he thought Kosor was referring to him, too, when announcing a government reshuffle.

Responding to the same question, Kalmeta said he stated his position yesterday and that he had nothing to add.

He said yesterday the PM was entitled to choose her associates and ministers.

Justice Minister Drazen Bosnjakovic would not comment on the announced personnel changes in the government, saying the question should be put to the PM.

Speaking to Croatian reporters in New York on Sunday, Kosor announced changes in the government by the end of the year and a personnel rejuvenation in her ruling Croatian Democratic Union party. She would not say which ministers or ministry departments she was referring to.