Serbia - Kosovo

Swoboda: Serbia will have to recognise Kosovo eventually

14.10.2012 u 19:08


Recognising the independence of Kosovo is not a condition in the process of Serbia's integration into the European Union, however, Serbia must accept the facts and recognise Kosovo before becoming a Union member, the Austrian member of the European Parliament, Hannes Swoboda told the Novi Sad-based "Dnevnik" newspaper.

"The recognition of Kosovo must happen eventually, but it is not a requirement for the process of the accession to the EU. However, before becoming a EU member, Serbia will certainly have to recognise Kosovo," said Swoboda, the head of the club of Socialist MEPs.

He believes that during 2013 Serbia might be given a date for opening the accession negotiations with the EU provided that it calmed down radical streams.

He criticised the incumbent government for its decision to ban a pride parade in Belgrade, which he said showed that it was not committed to European values, and for "constant flirting with Russia" as this was treated as a sign that the European Union was not the only partner for Serbia.