Overcoming Crisis

Union: No fiscal imperative makes lease of motorways necessary

30.07.2013 u 13:47


The president of the Matica union federation, Vilim Ribic, said on Tuesday there was no fiscal imperative that made it vital to lease Croatia's motorways but that this had resulted with the government's wrong economic policies which, instead of concentrating on economic growth, are focussed on economic stability.

Economic stability will not lead to growth but can have the opposite effect, Ribic told a press conference, adding that leasing motorways could only be justified in case of a serious national catastrophe which is not the case here.

Croatia's debt and deficit is below the European average and debt slavery will come about if we don't have growth and not necessarily if we don't manage to make repayments on debts, he said.

He added that debts are not repaid during crises but should be re-scheduled and a lease at this time would not go in our favour because we won't be able to achieve a good price and then when growth does occur the concessionaire will reap the benefits.

According to Ribic, the European Union (EU) is divided on how to overcome the crisis and the Croatian government is following stability policies which agrees with Germany and some other European countries and not a growth policy which would boost production and create new jobs.

"We have so many more problems with thousands of people emigrating. Croatia will not be able to get out of the crisis with these policies because while Linic (the Finance Minister) is occupied with fiscalisation no-one is dealing with the macro-economy", Ribic concluded.

Ribic recalled that the union had previously criticised austerity measures and policies to reduce public debt, which has shown to be correct. The union has no other option but to continue to fight and protect its members by organising strikes and utilising other forms of pressure, he said.