EU funds

Van Rompuy includes Croatia's request for N+3 rule in latest MFF draft

~1 min

23.11.2012 u 14:56


The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, has added Croatia's request that it may be given a longer period for utilising available EU funds to the latest draft on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for the 2014-2020 period. Croatia has requested a one more year than planned for using EU funds in projects which it will apply for the EU funding upon its entry into the European bloc on 1 July 2013.

On late Thursday evening, Van Rompuy presented a new MFF draft to the European Union's members and the new draft also included Croatia's request to be given an additional year for implementing and contracting projects qualifying for EU funds. This is the N+3 rule, which means that the funds may used in the year when the contract on the project is signed plus three more years. The N+2 rule is in place for all others in the bloc.

The proposal for the exemption for Croatia as a newcomer in the next seven-year period was presented by Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic on Thursday, during the first day of the EU summit meeting in Brussels. He briefed the European Council president with the Croatian request.

"We presented our position and explained that we will need some time to adapt to new circumstances with regard to funding. There is a good chance of this but I cannot promise anything", said Milanovic yesterday.

It is important that Croatia be allowed a longer period in which to utilise funding earmarked for each year. According to the current proposal, funding earmarked for a particular year can be expended over the subsequent two years and Croatia is asking that this period be extended to three years which would increase Zagreb's chances to fully utilise available funds.