Split pride

Mayor Kerum says Split residents not interested in gay parade

09.06.2012 u 22:14


Split Mayor Zeljko Kerum said in a statement on Saturday he was glad there were no incidents at the Split Pride 2012 parade held earlier today in that coastal city, adding that by not attending the event, Split residents had shown they were not interested in the parade and that the parade was not welcome in the city.

"I am glad there were no incidents at this year's parade because Split residents have listened to our recommendations to ignore the parade and not to come to the Riva waterfront," the mayor said in the statement.

According to him, by ignoring the event, Split residents have shown what they really thought about the event, "that they were not interested and that they did not want it in their city and that the parade was not welcome in Split."

Police security was strong and having that many police securing this even is in fact spending money without a good reason. A large part of the city was block for almost the entire day and people were not able to move freely. Kerum said.