
Minister: Croatia must get 75% of citizens aged 20-64 into work

18.06.2012 u 14:23


Croatia must have two million employed persons and must increase the rate of employment of its citizens aged between 20 and 64 to 75%, as this provides for the prosperity of the country, said Labour and Pension System Minister Mirando Mrsic opening the conference called "Labour Market and Education 2025" in Zagreb on Friday.

He said that by this conference Croatia had joined the European Union's agenda called "New Skill for New Jobs".

The minister said that for this purpose, Croatia had launched a national Qualifications Framework, an instrument for promoting lifelong learning and sustainable employability, which he hoped would be adopted by the end of this year.

The minister said that the current situation was worrisome and also a result of years-long procrastinations.

Ony 43% of young people who finish four-year vocational school and 49% of young people who finis three-year vocational training manage to find jobs at which they can display the skills they have acquired during their vocational education, Mrsic said adding that this must be changed.

One of the aims of the Croatian Qualifications Framework is to create applicable, efficient and timely solutions for the needs in the education which should follow the strategic goals of the regional and industrial development and the development of the community, he added.

Until 2020, the European Union will raise the number of jobs that require high education by 16 million and will lower the number of low skill jobs by 12 million.

The conference was organised by the Labour and Pension System Ministry in cooperation with the Science and Education Ministry and the Ministry of regional development and EU funds.